One Step Closer

As our adventure seems to be progressing in rather small steps so far it’s nice to note that another huge step finally has been taken. Although it’s actually two steps.

Number one is that everything we want and need to take to Edinburgh is packed in boxes, ready to be collected by our trusted moving company. Everything will either stay at our Berlin home (ready for subtenants to use) or was already shipped to a special secret place in the middle of nowhere where only Max and I will be able to find and reclaim it when we get back to Germany.

The second (and from my point of view the more interesting) is the fact that I finally arrived in Edinburgh as well. Now we can keep up the search for a fitting flat together and explore the town – though Max has gained quite a head start in the latter department I suppose.

Nevertheless, everything could be moving quite fast from now on. Some of the most intricate chores have been completed by now. So the main focus can unhindered stay on finding a flat.

And of course we will try to update this blog more often from now on! So stay tuned if you’re interested in what’s going on over here. If you feel we’re communicating too little let us know.
